Monday, November 16, 2009

Speaking the Truth!!

This is a video of Rhianna's interview discussing what happened with her boyfriend at the time Chris Brown. She explains to the viewers how they had become best friends and fell in love quickly. She explains how the deeper they fell in love the more dangerous the relationship became. When she discussed how the argument started with the fact that Chris was keeping something from her and not being honest she would not let it go. What does these show viewers? Does it show young women that they should pursue and push a boyfriend until they are told the truth or that they should leave it alone because they may be battered? I think that it is great that she spoke up and had this interview but I also think that it could be a mixed message to young viewers. What do you think about this interview and how Rhianna explains the story? Do you think that the media portays this behavior and discussion as acceptable? Forgive and Forget?

I don't know...I don't remember!!!

This story is unbelievable and the fact that Chris Brown and his mother are going on television that airs to the public and acting as if his behavior of beating Rhianna is okay because he doesn't remember. In my opinion this is a terrible example by the media to show young men that community service is a "fair" punishment to be give after you assault, batter, bruise and destroy a woman. I really am disturbed by the fact that he is or maybe "was" considered an icon and a male that young viewers look up to. What are we showing the children in society, is that all you have to say is that "you don't remember doing it"? Don't you think that taking responsibility for your actions is what the media should be teaching viewers? He stated that he plead guilty so that he would not have to go to jail, not because he was wrong and made a mistake. What do you think about his interview? Do you think that it is "fair" to be sentenced to community service after you have seen the photos of what he did to Rhiannas face?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Homosexuality in the Media

I have found a photo from the cover of a People magazine that shows Ellen DeGeneres and her wife Portia on their wedding day. The photo shows Portia in a beautiful wedding dress and Ellen shown wearing a beautiful white suit. My assumption is that Ellen represents the more masculine side of the relationship and Portia represents the more feminine side? I am not quite sure if that is what this means. I personally do not know if I agree or disagree with homosexuality. I believe that if people are happy they should continue the journey towards happiness. I personally was raised with the belief that women should be with men and men with women. Over the decades this has changed and homosexuality. Even with these beliefs I also believe that a person has a choice and should have a partner that makes them happy and fulfills their life. Jerry seems to think that this behavior is funny and laughs, makes fun of and giggles as he steps into the audience. Do you think that it is funny that he finds other peoples issues comical? Do you think that this representation has a negative or positive effect on young viewers or that maybe parents who are against bi-sexuality or homosexuality may be disturbed by this representation?

Jerry Springer

What do you think about the Jerry Springer show? I have come to see this show as "trash TV". The topics and fighting is very disturbing to me as a viewer. It seems to me that the topics and characters chosen are out of the ordinary. The show has many viewers that really enjoy the chaos and arguments. I have never seen a positive topic or a happy couple or storyline. All of the stories are cheaters and lower class Americans without the class of the average American. I understand that entertainment must have a selling point but I think that it can be somewhat insulting to the class that they represent. The morals that they show are pretty much invisible or unknown. This shows me that we will sell anything that is false or degrading of another genre. The show represents the idea that cheating is okay and gives us the right to fight, argue or disrespect the other person. I have learned from my childhood that cheating is wrong and that people should not be unfaithful. I also believe that the person who cheats is the one to blame, not the person that they have cheated with. Here is a clip from Jerry's show. What do you think about the representation of class and behavior?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lifetime or Lifeslime?

This article I posted below discusses lifetime television network. The article is very helpful in discussing a different way to help women feel connected through the network. They discuss the choices of movie topics that relate to women's everyday life. Lifetime tries to create a unique variety of topics for movies, while helping to influence family and friends. In my opinion I believe that this network tries to have a place that the women in the world can go to and belong. I think that one of the positive points about this network may be that it is a safe place where women can relate to characters and plots. Another positive and useful attribute this channel has added is the website and link that follows. This site provides solutions and helpful hints to women who live an everyday life. The site is included in the article and if you click on it you will be guided to the main site. What do you think about this network for women? Do you think that it is a positive or negative network? Do you think that this site may be helpful to female viewers? Would you ever choose to use this site and why?
Lifetime Television |

Monday, October 19, 2009

Women in Advertisements

The topic that I want to discuss is in regard to the images of women in the media. Why are women usually shown as victims, items or seductive females? Women are not shown in the same ways that men are shown. They do not always appear smart, real or capable. I have gotten some photos for you to look at that show a vast difference in the portrayals of women in advertisements. What do you think about the advertisements? I think that most of them show a weak, submissive woman and with a lack of intelligence. The model shown on the runway with a close up has ribs protruding through her skin. Are we supposed to think that is sexy? She is a model and what would young girls think if they saw that representation? Would they think that attractive women are supposed to have bones sticking out of our bodies in order to be a super model? What message are we receiving from the media? The media shows so many portrayals that are very unrealistic. I have added a short video from Jean Kilbourne that discusses these images of women. How do you feel about the media representations and do you think they should be monitored more closely?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This video is a representation that is commonly chosen for women in advertising.The video is Britney Spears in the Womenizer. Take a look and decide for yourself.

In the video Britney is pretty much nude and very seductive throughout the entire video. Do you think that this is normal? I know that this is what sells but I am just curious to know why the female in this video is dancing on tables and chairs in an office setting. Britney is dancing to entertain the men. All of the men are sitting in their chairs while they are being performed for. I just think that entertainment can sometimes cause degradation to a race, gender or class. There seems to always be a price paid for by one or the other. I understand that money is a necessity in this country, but sometimes I am not sure if the media represents anyone that has any respect for themselves. Am I the only one that thinks this way? I may just be old-fashioned but I try to be a little more modest and choose to keep myself respect.