Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lifetime or Lifeslime?

This article I posted below discusses lifetime television network. The article is very helpful in discussing a different way to help women feel connected through the network. They discuss the choices of movie topics that relate to women's everyday life. Lifetime tries to create a unique variety of topics for movies, while helping to influence family and friends. In my opinion I believe that this network tries to have a place that the women in the world can go to and belong. I think that one of the positive points about this network may be that it is a safe place where women can relate to characters and plots. Another positive and useful attribute this channel has added is the website and link that follows. This site provides solutions and helpful hints to women who live an everyday life. The site is included in the article and if you click on it you will be guided to the main site. What do you think about this network for women? Do you think that it is a positive or negative network? Do you think that this site may be helpful to female viewers? Would you ever choose to use this site and why?
Lifetime Television |


  1. I think this network for women is great! It seems like women have always been in the background and have a really hard time getting ahead. Also a lot of the women that want to get ahead don’t know how too. So I think if more women knew about this that would definitely help.
    I also think it could be seen as negative because any one thing focused on any one set of people is wrong. Why can't other networks reach out? And is this network for just women putting men aside?
    But for the most part I think this could be a great help to female viewers in today's society. Women do have a different opinion then men on a lot of subjects and being able to come to this allows them to relate when maybe in their everyday life they cant to the people around them.
    So what is stopping women from being able to relate and talk like this in today’s society?

  2. I personally enjoy Lifetime. We finally have a network that shows successful women. I believe that this network can cause women to have real life conversations about issues they normally wouldn't feel comfortable talking about.
    At times there is a little too much men bashing, which makes me uncomfortable. I don't believe we should lower our standards amd watch programs that degrade men anymore than I think men should watch programs that degrade women. We don't need to lower ourselves to that degree.
    Men have so many stations just for them. They have sports channels, outdoor channels, porn channels, and almost anything else "manly". I applaud Lifetime for stepping out and giving us something, just for women!
