Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This video is a representation that is commonly chosen for women in advertising.The video is Britney Spears in the Womenizer. Take a look and decide for yourself.

In the video Britney is pretty much nude and very seductive throughout the entire video. Do you think that this is normal? I know that this is what sells but I am just curious to know why the female in this video is dancing on tables and chairs in an office setting. Britney is dancing to entertain the men. All of the men are sitting in their chairs while they are being performed for. I just think that entertainment can sometimes cause degradation to a race, gender or class. There seems to always be a price paid for by one or the other. I understand that money is a necessity in this country, but sometimes I am not sure if the media represents anyone that has any respect for themselves. Am I the only one that thinks this way? I may just be old-fashioned but I try to be a little more modest and choose to keep myself respect.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the media constantly degrades all races and sexes. But, what I find "funny" in this video, is that Britney's song is about harassing a man that degrades women. She calls him a "womanizer" and constantly teases him in many disguises. Until he becomes almost afraid of attractive women. She sings about not being able to be with him because he womanizer, yet she gives him lap dances, throws him around sexually, and makes him breakfast. Also, she sits around naked half the "day". But, what really gets me is that she "kicks him out" or gets rid of him at the end of the video by kicking him out of bed after starting a sexual scene. This video just seems to contradict what she is singing about. But, they kept the sex part in it so it would sell.
