Monday, November 16, 2009

I don't know...I don't remember!!!

This story is unbelievable and the fact that Chris Brown and his mother are going on television that airs to the public and acting as if his behavior of beating Rhianna is okay because he doesn't remember. In my opinion this is a terrible example by the media to show young men that community service is a "fair" punishment to be give after you assault, batter, bruise and destroy a woman. I really am disturbed by the fact that he is or maybe "was" considered an icon and a male that young viewers look up to. What are we showing the children in society, is that all you have to say is that "you don't remember doing it"? Don't you think that taking responsibility for your actions is what the media should be teaching viewers? He stated that he plead guilty so that he would not have to go to jail, not because he was wrong and made a mistake. What do you think about his interview? Do you think that it is "fair" to be sentenced to community service after you have seen the photos of what he did to Rhiannas face?

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