Monday, November 16, 2009

Speaking the Truth!!

This is a video of Rhianna's interview discussing what happened with her boyfriend at the time Chris Brown. She explains to the viewers how they had become best friends and fell in love quickly. She explains how the deeper they fell in love the more dangerous the relationship became. When she discussed how the argument started with the fact that Chris was keeping something from her and not being honest she would not let it go. What does these show viewers? Does it show young women that they should pursue and push a boyfriend until they are told the truth or that they should leave it alone because they may be battered? I think that it is great that she spoke up and had this interview but I also think that it could be a mixed message to young viewers. What do you think about this interview and how Rhianna explains the story? Do you think that the media portays this behavior and discussion as acceptable? Forgive and Forget?


  1. I actually have to admit that I am very mixed on this whole Chris Brown/Rhianna incident. To be honest...I think it's a bit shitty that Brown is getting such a backlash for what happened.

    Now, I'm not excusing his behavior nor am I saying he completely justified but honestly? From what i remembered, supposedly Rhianna attacked him also. She may not say that she attacked him physically and no, it isn't right that he responded back with physical violence BUT she did mentally attack him by not letting it go and finding a different way to go about in creating a dialogue between the two of them.

    I also remember when the report came out I believe she slapped him but I'm not totally sure if that is true.

    I believe the only reason she is making a big deal out of this is because he is starting to go back out on publicity tours and circuits. As he tries to find redemption she is now making herself this "angel" or "patron saint of battered women" which is not helping women who are battered. She is not providing information or trying to change societies ideals about women being hit but just telling her side of the story. I think it just creates this media circus which as we learn never helps. EVER.

    Plus Chris Brown did his time in jail, he is taking anger management classes and he is trying to reconstruct his image. How can you blame him when he's doing all the right things? Where was this media outrage when the event happened? Now she feels the need to tell everyone about it?

    Who knows...maybe there will be some violent relationships rehab with Dr. Drew next.

  2. I can see this conflict between the two sending mixed messages. The fact that Chris Brown admitted his problem and went out to seek help is huge. Which the media should have covered. They should have shown men that it is okay to admit wrong and get help where help is needed. But, by also showing he had jail time, shows there is consequence for the actions. Rhianna most likely did hit him two, there is no doubt about it in my mind because when she was telling her story she seemed to be leaving something out. They both did something wrong, but Chris was the one that took it to far. By only showing Rhianna's side of the story and making Chris to be this horrible person and her still caring will seriously confuse many young women. They are only shown the negative parts of the story instead of the entire story. If they show more I think it would be easier for young women to develop their own strong opinion about men that batter women and what they should do about the situation.
