Sunday, November 1, 2009

Homosexuality in the Media

I have found a photo from the cover of a People magazine that shows Ellen DeGeneres and her wife Portia on their wedding day. The photo shows Portia in a beautiful wedding dress and Ellen shown wearing a beautiful white suit. My assumption is that Ellen represents the more masculine side of the relationship and Portia represents the more feminine side? I am not quite sure if that is what this means. I personally do not know if I agree or disagree with homosexuality. I believe that if people are happy they should continue the journey towards happiness. I personally was raised with the belief that women should be with men and men with women. Over the decades this has changed and homosexuality. Even with these beliefs I also believe that a person has a choice and should have a partner that makes them happy and fulfills their life. Jerry seems to think that this behavior is funny and laughs, makes fun of and giggles as he steps into the audience. Do you think that it is funny that he finds other peoples issues comical? Do you think that this representation has a negative or positive effect on young viewers or that maybe parents who are against bi-sexuality or homosexuality may be disturbed by this representation?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In response your comment of the masculine/feminine dynamic of Ellen and Portia:
    I think its important to point out that even though they are homosexual I think that their relationship is still presented as hetero-normative(where there are two monogamous person in an exclusive relationship where one represents the masculine and/or dominant and the other represents the feminine and/or submissive partner), which makes them acceptable as role models in society. I feel like society is slightly more open to the homosexual community now-a-days, but only if they still fit into their hetero-normative mold.

    And I'm also glad that you didn't just plainly say that you "disagree" with homosexuality because that is how you were raised. A lot of people simply follow what they know/were taught, but I think its really important for people to form their own opinions/question what they've been taught, and keep questioning! because were constantly changing, as is the world around us.

  3. In response to what you said about Jerry Springer. I think it has a huge effect, people shouldn’t laugh at others people’s problems, I don’t think that makes anyone feel good. Another thing, if homosexuality wasn’t such a taboo; there wouldn’t be a ‘coming out of the closet.’ That phrase in of itself shows embarrassment in tell people how they really are, afraid of being rejected. Homosexuality has always been an ‘ify’ subject with people, of whether it’s wrong or right. It’s a decision that needs to be made by individuals; Jerry can’t just go laughing around at stuff. THOUSANDS of people watch his show and are enticed and influenced, not by their own thoughts. A lot of other people are like Alexandra said; they grow up believing what their parents did, what they were taught to think. Again that is wrong, every person is unique and made special and people should come to conclusions on their own; should they not? Media’s stigmas on how things should be need to be taken out; it’s creating a world of followers and not leaders.
