Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Words of Endearment?

This video is Mariah Carey singing about Eminem and how he is obsessed with her. The title of the video is "Obsessed".

She has a character in the video who watches her through each scene and resembles Eminem. I think that both of these artists are very talented, but what are we showing the viewers about what we think of other people? The video shows how beautiful Mariah is and Eminem portrays a dark thug like character who is watching her, he has photos of her in his room all over the walls. Mariah states in the song how Eminem is "delusional".In the life of the famous you always hear rumors, gossip and things that are not true. The viewers will never know what is true or what is false. I think that this can cause people to have strong opinions about either vocalist without even knowing the truth. This sets forth hate and rebellion. Eminem has fought back with this video about Mariah called "The Warning".

Eminem sings about Mariah and her new husband Nick. He uses lyrics with bad language and how she was "dissed" by him. He says that this is her warning before "he puts the call out".

These artists are fighting back with words and lyrics about each other. This shows viewers that it is okay to talk about other people in a dis-respectful way. I disagree with the way they are using their talents and I think that it is ashame that it is broadcasted for everyone to see and hear. The language of Eminems video is hostile and inappropriate. Don't we get enough criticism from others? This is representing an idea that it is okay to criticize and degrade others. These videos have showed me that maybe these artists do not have any other material to write a song, therefore they have to write and sing about each other.What do you think about the lyrics and representations the videos have of each other? Do you think that it is a big deal or not?

1 comment:

  1. You put up a very good argument about the messages they are sending to the audience. But, I believe they may be arguing just to create revenue for themselves. Even though Mariah Carey technically started the argument, it gave Eminem a reason to create more demeaning and violent songs. In return people are buying his albums as well as Mariah's to see what they are arguing about and how they are coming back at each other. I do not believe it is a big deal as long as the more vicious statements stay off the air of the radios.
