Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Equal Pay Day"

I am really interested in learning about the wage gap between women and men. In this article they discuss the difference between women and men's pay along with some explanation as to why it continues. The article states that "When women behave in the workplace as men do, the wage gap between them is small." What exactly does this mean? They go on to explain that women who do not have children are more focused on their career and therefore will have more time to focus on their work and career. The women in this category have a wage salary of 98% to a mans 100%. This shows a decrease in the wage gap, considering it has been decades since the number has decreased. The article also discusses an important factor that plays a part in the wage gap. Lifestyle choices play a major part in this issue, many women are only able to work part-time which cuts the hours to less than half of what a man would work. I understand that women are usually the main caretakers of the family, but I still am not sure that I agree with the difference in the pay gap. I believe that women who do work as much as, as hard as and as well as men deserve equal pay. In the future I believe that the gap will continue to decrease, but will our society ever consider that women are equal to men? I would be interested in hearing what others may think of this issue and what they may have experienced in the work field.

The article below makes some valid points that have helped me have a better understanding of why the pay gap continues. What do you think about the article? The atricle relates to the Media because they had an "Equal Pay Day" - the day on which many organizations protest wage discrimination between men and women. This was cosidered a special day for Feminist groups.
The Wage Gap Myth - Brief Analysis #392

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  1. I find your blog very interesting. I have been aware of the wage gap and some reasons that affect it, but this article gave me some more knowledge of the situation. I am very unhappy with the fact that they say mothers are more likely to be paid less due to loss of focus on work, due to having their children. But, what is that saying about fathers? Are the cooperate people trying to say that fathers should take work before their family? Or, maybe work is more important then the family to men? If parents had equal focus on the children as well as work, the wage gap could possibly close sooner then people think. We just have to start teaching the fathers how to parent their children more, eventually resulting in equal parenting responsibilities as well as equal pay.

  2. I completely agree with you. Woman are payed less than men and yeah that is a part that women take lower paying jobs or don’t have the time to commit long term making hard to get promotions. Men seem to have all the time in the world for work, staying late at the office, doing outside projects going on trips where woman alot of the time are constricted by family. Do men think that women need to be the ones to stay home while they go out and exceed in their career? It does make me frustrated that, that is always what seems to happen. Children need a father role just as much a mother role if not more, and especially for daughters, looking at their father is usually a basis for what they look for in a future spouse. So a father who is leaving alot an puts his career as number one, I feel communicates to the kids that the women stay home while the men go out. This could further prohibit girls to want to focus on their career, keeping this idea that family comes first to women and for men career is first.

  3. Its really interesting that you say that when women behave like men in the workplace, they earn higher wages. I read an article in a men's magazine the other day that was titled "to earn more in the workplace you should act like a woman," or something like that. So naturally, I read it. I was completely taken back when the article said that women are making equal pay and advance into higher positions because of their more feminine attitude. Oh, and that young men's education is in a crisis because each year women earn more bachelors and masters per year than men (don't know if its true or not). It made me think that this article was trying to make the wage gap a non-issue. Like theres no need for feminism anymore. I was appauled and amused at the same time.

  4. I completely agree with you about the wage gap, to my understanding a women makes 78 cents for every dollar a man earns. I think some of this is because of the way women are socialized. When girls are growing up they are taught to not argue, to be quite and not question. This socialization has made it difficult for women to negotiate a salary. Women usually start at a lower pay then a man, not because the company sets it up that way, but because a women does not know how to ask for what she is worth. She is unable to negotiate and when asked about the salary women tend to ask for less than a man. The stereotype that goes with strong women is difficult. A woman who is strong, confident and assertive is usually that to as a “bitch”. So it seems women are on fine wire on being strong and assertive without coming across too threatening for a man.

    Here is a website to see what a mom’s pay should be:
