Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kate plus 8?

This is Kate Gossiping from Jon and Kate plus 8. I decided to post a blog on this to discuss what others think about the effect that the media will have on the Gosselin children if any? There have been many interviews, articles, stories and photos all over the media showing Jon and Kate. I have seen, read and heard several. Some of the representations show Jon or Kate speaking disrespectful of each other. In the beginning of this whole ordeal of a separation, there were photos of Jon and another young woman everywhere. In my opinion that portrays a sneaky father that hides with women other than their mommy. The response the media had used to those photos was followed with accusations that Kate had cheated on Jon first. I just think that it is ashame that a show built to represent a large family's daily living and events have to become a "media misfortune" to the public. The children will see these representations of their mother and father, if not yet than sometime in the future. The mother and father are shown blaming each other for the breakup of the relationship. Do these adults know how to take responsibility for their own actions? It does not seem like that to me. Privacy is completely removed from a person once they accept the life of a celebrity, but I think that people disregard what affect it has on others (especially children). The Gosselin children could someday be made fun of by peers in school, sports or other activities. Do you think that any of these things could have a positive or negative effect of these children? Could these things be prevented if it were not for the parents seeking fame, attention or money?
I have posted a few article links that shows Jon and Kates thoughts on their lifestyle adjustments and changes.

Daily Dish: Jon Gosselin Blames Everything on Kate |

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mixed Messages?

I want to discuss one of the topics we are currently studying in class. What does it mean to be a "real man" and how exactly does the media affect our belief about this? The portrayals of men and masculinity are represented by the media in ways that I believe our possibly detrimental to our society. The ideas and story themes that are chosen can be very fictional, fantasy like and just plain ridiculous. Men are shown as aggressive, controlling and abusive to women and others that may not be as "tough" or "macho" as they are. What are we teaching young viewers about what is right or wrong? Are we proud that men are the ones arrested for violent crimes, domestic violence and assault charges? If you are a parent is this the image that you want your child to follow or idolize? This article explains that young boys are reinforced by the media that power and aggression are what it means to be a "real man". They believe that the behavior on shows and movies produced by the media represent normal behavior. What do you think the parents would say if a violent crime was committed against their son or daughter? How would a brother, sister or friend feel if someone close to them was assaulted or killed by a so called "real man"? Is this an image that you would want your children to be like?

Click on the link below and you can read the article that has given me a better understanding of how young viewers may interpret the representations that the media creates for our

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Equal Pay Day"

I am really interested in learning about the wage gap between women and men. In this article they discuss the difference between women and men's pay along with some explanation as to why it continues. The article states that "When women behave in the workplace as men do, the wage gap between them is small." What exactly does this mean? They go on to explain that women who do not have children are more focused on their career and therefore will have more time to focus on their work and career. The women in this category have a wage salary of 98% to a mans 100%. This shows a decrease in the wage gap, considering it has been decades since the number has decreased. The article also discusses an important factor that plays a part in the wage gap. Lifestyle choices play a major part in this issue, many women are only able to work part-time which cuts the hours to less than half of what a man would work. I understand that women are usually the main caretakers of the family, but I still am not sure that I agree with the difference in the pay gap. I believe that women who do work as much as, as hard as and as well as men deserve equal pay. In the future I believe that the gap will continue to decrease, but will our society ever consider that women are equal to men? I would be interested in hearing what others may think of this issue and what they may have experienced in the work field.

The article below makes some valid points that have helped me have a better understanding of why the pay gap continues. What do you think about the article? The atricle relates to the Media because they had an "Equal Pay Day" - the day on which many organizations protest wage discrimination between men and women. This was cosidered a special day for Feminist groups.
The Wage Gap Myth - Brief Analysis #392

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Words of Endearment?

This video is Mariah Carey singing about Eminem and how he is obsessed with her. The title of the video is "Obsessed".

She has a character in the video who watches her through each scene and resembles Eminem. I think that both of these artists are very talented, but what are we showing the viewers about what we think of other people? The video shows how beautiful Mariah is and Eminem portrays a dark thug like character who is watching her, he has photos of her in his room all over the walls. Mariah states in the song how Eminem is "delusional".In the life of the famous you always hear rumors, gossip and things that are not true. The viewers will never know what is true or what is false. I think that this can cause people to have strong opinions about either vocalist without even knowing the truth. This sets forth hate and rebellion. Eminem has fought back with this video about Mariah called "The Warning".

Eminem sings about Mariah and her new husband Nick. He uses lyrics with bad language and how she was "dissed" by him. He says that this is her warning before "he puts the call out".

These artists are fighting back with words and lyrics about each other. This shows viewers that it is okay to talk about other people in a dis-respectful way. I disagree with the way they are using their talents and I think that it is ashame that it is broadcasted for everyone to see and hear. The language of Eminems video is hostile and inappropriate. Don't we get enough criticism from others? This is representing an idea that it is okay to criticize and degrade others. These videos have showed me that maybe these artists do not have any other material to write a song, therefore they have to write and sing about each other.What do you think about the lyrics and representations the videos have of each other? Do you think that it is a big deal or not?